Visibility settings


Control when this section is shown. Helpful for creating custom mobile layouts.

Setting information

Do not hide

Show the section regardless of the screen size.

Hide on mobile

Hide the section on smaller mobile screen sizes.

Hide on desktop

Hide the section on larger desktop screen sizes.

How & why to use

Sometimes you may want to actually use two banners β€” one for desktop and one for mobile β€” so you can control the layout with more nuance. This is a great little "protip" to allow making the text shorter on mobile, or use a smaller image (or a different/specific crop), or change the aspect ratio, etc, etc.

For that, we added a little setting at the bottom of the section which allows you to "hide on desktop" or "hide on mobile":

Visibility settings within the section

This same hide on desktop/mobile setting is available on all of the sections, so you can use this in a lot of fun/clever ways. We recommend not going overboard with it… but it's very helpful in the right situations.

Of note

We will likely add some new mobile-specific settings to the banner in our next update β€” for things like mobile aspect ratio and mobile background image. We're wrapping up that update now and hope to have the setting available as soon!

Align theme