
A grid of products with miscellaneous display settings. Results will be pulled from the current/active collection.

Section settings

Show header

If enabled, the section header will be displayed. The header settings should be configured further down the section settings under the "Header settings" heading. Refer to header settings for more information on the available settings and usage.

Enable filters

If any filters are set up using the Shopify's Search & Discovery app and this setting is enabled, the filters will show up in a sidebar, allowing visitors to filter the search results. The availability filter will not be displayed unless "Enable availability filter" setting is enabled. If this setting is enabled, a "Filter" button toggle is displayed in the section header area to allow for easy hiding and showing of the filtering sidebar.

Enable sorting

If enabled, a sorting interface will be displayed in the section header area. Allows sorting by relevance and price.

Enable grid size interface

If enabled, a grid size toggle interface will be displayed in the section header area. On the larger desktop screen sizes, it allows you to toggle between a three and four column grid, with an option of one and two column grid on the smaller mobile screen sizes.

Enable availability filter

If the "Availability" filter is set up and enabled in the Shopify's Search & Discovery app and this setting is enabled, an "In stock" checkbox will be displayed next to the filter toggle. This filter allows site visitors to filter all the in stock products in the search results with one click of a button.

Card settings

Refer to theme card settings for more information about card settings. These setting override the default values set in the theme settings.

Available blocks

Collection banner

View documentation on collection banner block"

Align theme